Workshop « Climate Chance »: Leaders in Transformative Education, practices for sectoral and thematic integration

Summet « Climate Chance », september 26-28 2016, in Nantes, France

Betsan Martin, septembre 2016

Many workshops took place there for 3 days including one, animated by Alliance for responsible and sustainable societies and Response Trust.

Presentation of the Workshop :

A profile of innovations of Regional Centres of Expertise acknowledged by UNU’ has been presented, with strategies for implementation of transformative education. The workshop has been featured knowledge concepts and case studies to support engagement with cities and local territories for transitions to low carbon. Collaborative methodologies has been demonstrated to involve multiple sectors in fields such as agriculture, renewable energy, health.

Partners: Alliance for responsible and sustainable societies and Response Trust - New Zealand


  • Betsan Martin, UNU Waikato ; Alliance for Responsible & Sustainable Societies. New Zealand

  • Philip Vaughtner, Research Fellow, UNU Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS), Japan

  • Monika Månsson, RCE Skåne, Senior Project Manager, City of Malmö, Sweden.

  • Irina Safitri Zen, UNU RCE Iskander, Malaysia.

  • Shepherd Urunje, Programme Specialist, Uppsala University, SWEDESD Campus Gotland, Sweden, Zimabwe

  • Adrian Macey, Senior Research Associate, Victoria University; Former Climate Ambassador, New Zealand

  • Grace Leung, UNU Waikato, Regional Government Science analyst, New Zealand