The engagement of the non-state actors for the climate: ‘Climate Chance’ Summit in Agadir, Morocco
The Second Climate Chance Summit, 11-13th September 2017
Isis Maria de Palma Augusto, Fleur de Lys (Pinky) CASTELO-CUPINO, Betsan Martin, Adrian MACEY, septembre 2017
The Second Climate Chance Summit was held in Agadir, Morocco, 11-13th September 2017. It was jointly hosted by the Souss Massa Region and Climate Chance.
The second Climate Chance Summit took place in a rapidly changing landscape of climate action. The September summit was a large gathering - reported as up to 5000 participants, held in Agadir, Morocco, was the second summit of non-state actors mobilizing for action on climate change. Sixty percent of participants were from Morocco, and the orientation of the summit was significantly francophone.

Two presentations from Alliance-Respons were given at Climate Chance 2017, one by Pinky Cupino, Philippines, and Isis de Palma Brazil, on Education and Climate Responsibility; and the other on the Interface between Water and Climate Change *by Betsan Martin and Adrian Macey from New Zealand.
In the Education workshop Pinky highlighted some of the principles of responsibility as a framing for climate education, from the articles in the Declaration of Responsibility and Interdependence. She referred to the severe disasters in the Philippines as an impetus to the education programme in there. Similarly Isis is involved in developing a programme on climate education in Paraty Brazil, involving training of teachers in a way that includes students. Isis showed part of the film ‘Lima to Paris and Beyond’. Co-panelists in this workshop included academicians and researchers from Rabat including Dr.Maroufi Abdelghani, Professeur Ftouhi Mohamed. Université Med V Suissi- Agdal- Rabat, and Mr. Faaras Abdelaziz.

Adrian and Betsan were part of a panel on ‘Water and Climate Change - Rights and Responsibilities’. They spoke about innovations in law which emphasise the public good interests of water, especially for the health of waterways, using the examples of Public Trust and Legal Personhood of a River and of a Forest in New Zealand. The use of Public Trust doctrine, attribution of legal personality to a river and a forest have been led by indigenous peoples in Hawaii and New Zealand, and have taken up in India, Colombia and Ecuador.
À télécharger : on_climate_chance_agadir_for_september_alliance.pdf (210 Kio)
The Delaration of Agadir – Non-State actors call for intensified action and ambition.
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The Delaration of Agadir – Non-State actors call for intensified action and ambition.