Linking the world’s youth together at the core of the transition
Maryse Clary et Jacqueline Charron, January 2017

Following the publication of the Manifesto for an Education for Planetary Citizenship in December 2015 for COP21, the Alliance for an Education for Planetary Citizenship (AECP) launched a research project supported by 13 teams from 12 countries and 4 continents to make young people the key players in the ecological, economic, and societal transition.
The purpose of this project was to put young people at the core of the education system in reference to “idea laboratories” made up members of formal education, organizations, local authorities and social enterprises.
This presents an analysis of their works in order to develop synergy among them, contribute to the constitution of a network in which sharing best practices and experiences will allow mutual enrichment so that, based on this diversity, some guiding principles can emerge, which we will submit to the leading authorities.
The book is available in French.
Downloads: pour_mettre_en_lien_des_jeunes_du_monde-final.pdf (2.4 MiB)