Global Citizenship Education : Preparing learners for the challenges of the 21st century
Fleur de Lys (Pinky) CASTELO-CUPINO, Collective work, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO, 2014

What is global citizenship education? Do we learn it in school? What difference can it make?
How can it be introduced and become a common feature of school curricula?
This publication seeks to answer these and other questions.
For UNESCO, global citizenship education (GCE) develops the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes learners need to build a more just, peaceful and sustainable world and to thrive as global citizens in the twenty-first century.
In a globalized and fast-changing world, it is critical that current and future generations develop the skills to act today and find solutions for tomorrow’s global challenges.
The starting point of GCE is to recognize that education helps people understand and resolve complex global issues. It also acknowledges that education has a role to play in moving beyond simply developing cognitive skills – i.e. reading, writing and mathematics – towards building learners’ values, social and emotional skills that can promote social transformation and build cooperation between nations.
This publication aims to:
improve understanding of GCE as an educational approach and its implications for education content and teaching methods;
identify innovative approaches and good practice in GCE; and
share lessons learned and ways to further promote GCE.
The publication has been prepared for education policy makers, practitioners, civil society organizations and youth leaders, based on the conclusions of two international conferences dedicated to GCE.
À télécharger : unesco_global_citizenship_education_preparing_learners_for_the_21st_century.pdf (1,1 Mio)
© UNESCO 2014
ISBN 978-92-3-100019-5
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© UNESCO 2014
ISBN 978-92-3-100019-5
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