Workshop « Climate Chance » :Climate and ethics, the meaning of stakeholders’ commitment
Summet « Climate Chance », september 26-28 2016, in Nantes, France
September 2016

Many workshops took place there for 3 days including one, animated by Alliance for responsible and sustainable societies among others.
Presentation of the workshop:
Climate issues deserve more than just a marketing-based approach. Discussions and concrete commitments are all very well, but do they provide an effective response to the challenges ahead? Looking at the solutions agenda, or at the list of voluntary State commitments, one may well doubt it. We need to really focus on explaining, once and for all, the responsibility of each one of us towards the common good, and especially concerning the climate. Not doing this means navigating a path between schizophrenia and hypocrisy.
Dr. Katerina Stenou, Former director of the Division of Cultural Policies and Intercultural Dialogue, UNESCO
Betsan Martin, RCE Waikato, New Zealand; Exec Chair Alliance for Responsible and Sustainable Societies
Yolanda Ziaka, deputy Chair, Alliance for Responsible and Sustainable Societies, Greece
Neetu Sharma, Programme Head, Right to Food Centre for Child and the Law (CCL), India
Sudha Sreenivasa Reddy, Director, Eco Foundation for Sustainable Alternatives (EFSA) - Bangalore, India
Isis de Palma, Alliance for Responsible and Sustainable Societies, Brazil
François Mabille, Charte des universités Responsables et solidaires, Secrétaire Général de la Fédération Internationale des Universités Catholiques (FIUC), Paris, France
Sébastien Thevous-Chabuel, Officer for ethical questions COMGEST
Pierre Caro, retired professional, France
Ben Quinones, President, Asian Solidarity Economy Council, Philippines.